Landing page sub sub pages

The following tags can be applied to any basic page who's parent is also a basic page which in turn sits under a landing page. They are used to create grid layouts within a landing page. 

Changing the order of sub sub pages on a landing page grid

Add order_[order number] to a sub sub page to change the order it will appear in the grid seen on it's corresponding landing page (i.e. a sub sub page with order_1 will appear ahead of sub page with order_2 in a grid on the landing page).

Link your sub sub page grid section to an external location

You can link the 'Find out more' anchor of your sub sub page to an external location by adding the tag external_link:[external web address to link to]. The bracketed area should be replaced by the required web address, e.g. external_link:

With this tag in place The 'Find out more' link as it appears in on the sub sub page's corresponding landing page will open the specified web address in a new window on click.

Link your sub sub page grid section to an internal location

You can link the 'Find out more' anchor of your your sub sub page to an internal location within your site by adding the tag internal_link:[slug of internal page to link to]. The bracketed area should be replaced by slug of the internal page you want to link to, e.g. internal_link:my_internal_resource

With this tag in place The 'Find out more' link as it appears in on the sub sub page's corresponding landing page will open the internal web page with the specified slug.

Hide all sub sub pages on the landing page

If you don't want the sub sub pages to appear at all on your landing page you can tag their parent basic page with 'hide_children':

  • Landing page
    • sub page (add tag: 'hide_children' here)
      • sub sub page 01
      • sub sub page 02
      • sub sub page 03

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