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If you want to create a lightbox gallery on a page but need to associate more detail than just a short caption with each image, you can create an FAQ lightbox gallery by following these steps:
- Add the tag 'add_photo_faq' to a basic page.
- Create an FAQ as a subpage of your basic page.
- Add the tag 'photo_gallery' to the FAQ.
- Add 'Questions' to your FAQ, each of which will represent a photo in your gallery.
- For each 'Question' add the photo to the 'Files' section and give the image an appropriate headline. You can add extra detail and captions in the question content section.
Each 'Question' from your image FAQ will then be displayed in a lightbox gallery on your parent basic page.
Basic page with 'add_photo_faq' tag and FAQ as subpage
Photo gallery FAQ question with photo file added to 'Files' section
Photo gallery FAQ question photo details
Photo gallery FAQ displayed on parent page as lightbox image