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2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, Mexico, June 2024, reinforced our unified dedication to taking action to meet the 2030 In Sight Strategy, aiming for a future where eye care is accessible, affordable, and available to everyone.
Watch the recorded sessions from 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, Mexico to recapture the discussions and transform tomorrow together.
Click the links to see photos from day one, day two and work group day here.
If you have difficulty accessing the videos below, you can watch the sessions on YouTube Playlist here.
Day 1 Sessions
Day 2 Sessions
2030 IN SIGHT Pre-Recorded International Language Sessions
Once again, as part of this year's 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE online offer, our members from across the globe participated in international language panels. These four panel discussions featured conversations and sessions that took place in-person at 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, Mexico. You can watch the panel discussions below and join our livestream to see the conversations continued live at our global event.
French: Influencer le financement : quels sont les besoins dans les contextes à faibles ressources
(Influencing Funding: What are the needs in low resource settings)
Korean: 공공 안구 건강 연구 의제의 격차 - 한국의 관점
(Gaps in the Public Eye Health Research Agenda - a Korean perspective)
Spanish: Garantindo instantâneos de resultados de cirurgia de catarata de qualidade na América Latina
(Guaranteeing Quality Cataract Surgery Outcomes Snapshots from Latin America)
Portuguese: La salud ocular y las poblaciones indígenas reduciendo la brecha
(Eye Health and the Indigenous Populations Bridging the Gap)
You can read more about the flagship sessions in our blog pages by clicking here.