Global Summit FAQs

The Global Summit for Eye Health will be a landmark event dedicated to securing high-level commitments from governments and other stakeholders to prioritise eye health within their agendas.

Hear more about the latest updates and objectives for a Global Summit for Eye Health, from IAPB Director of Communications, Campaigns and Events, Simon Darvill. The presentation is followed by a Q&A session with IAPB Members, raising insightful questions, and contributing to the conversation.

Urgent action is needed now to end avoidable sight loss, to improve the economy and opportunities for the next generation.

About the global summit

The world is facing a silent public health crisis: over a billion people are living with avoidable sight loss, a number projected to reach 1.8 billion by 2050 if we do nothing.  The impact of this is immense, trapping individuals in poverty, hindering education, holding back lifelong learning, productivity, limiting economic opportunities and participation in daily life. The global summit for eye health will unite global leaders to transform commitments into tangible results, ensuring everyone, everywhere can access quality eye care and unlock their full potential.

Why a global summit?

  • Five years on from the un resolution on vision for everyone this is a crucial opportunity to accelerate progress towards better global eye health.
  • A platform to amplify the urgency of addressing avoidable blindness and sight loss, catalysing national and global action.
  • The opportunity to bring together leaders, governments, organisations, civil society, and the private sector to foster collaboration and commitments.

Global summit objectives

  • Harness political leadership to agree and deliver new national policy goals and commitments.
  • Mobilise resources and finances to generate transformational change.
  • Secure national eye health roadmaps and accountability framework.
  • Champion and raise awareness of eye health globally. 

IAPB members: learn more & get involved here

Global Summit for Eye Health: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Global Summit for Eye Health?

The Global Summit for Eye Health will be a landmark event dedicated to securing high-level commitments from governments and other stakeholders to prioritise eye health within their agendas. As a galvanisation to meet the 2030 In Sight strategic aims, the summit will seek to drive policy change, increase investment in eye care services, and accelerate progress towards achieving universal eye health coverage.

What is a summit?

A summit is a high-level meeting where leaders, experts, and stakeholders gather to discuss and address a particular issue or challenge. Summits often aim to achieve concrete outcomes, such as policy agreements, action plans, or increased awareness.

Why hold a summit for eye health?

Despite significant progress in recent years, avoidable blindness and visual impairment remain a major global health challenge that still needs to be addressed. A summit on eye health provides a unique opportunity to galvanize action, raise awareness, and secure commitments from global decision-makers to address this issue.

Is this different to IAPB's Global Meeting 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE?

Yes, this is a distinct event. While both events focus on improving eye health globally, the Global Summit for Eye Health aims to secure high-level commitments from governments and other stakeholders to prioritise eye health in their agendas. It seeks to drive policy change and increased investment in eye care services. IAPB's global meeting ‘2030 IN SIGHT LIVE’ is more focused on knowledge sharing, collaboration, and advocacy within the eye health sector.

When and where will the Global Summit for Eye Health be held?

The specific date and location for the summit are still being finalised. We will update the website as soon as these details are confirmed.

What are the expected outcomes of the summit?

The summit aims to achieve several key outcomes, including:

  • Galvanise political leadership to agree new national policy goals and commitments
  • Mobilise resources and finances to deliver transformational change
  • Secure an eye health roadmap and accountability framework.
  • Champion technology and innovation in eye health/ eye health as a development priority.
How can I get involved and support the summit?

There are several ways to get involved and support the Global Summit for Eye Health in the months ahead:

  • Be a Catalyst for Change - Join us as a Visionary Supporter or High Impact Partner and demonstrate your commitment through a dynamic partnership.
  • Contribute to Policy - Help craft and execute a powerful policy framework
  • Advocate Locally - Drive advocacy activities that will shape the future of global eye health
  • Spread the Word - Work with us on days like World Sight Day and our annual event in Nepal to raise awareness
  • Empower Through Expertise - Lend your talent by seconding staff to critical Summit roles. We’ll be sharing more on these opportunities in the coming months
  • Support Financially - Big or small, a donation or grant towards the Summit will make an important difference

To explore opportunities to support the Summit please get in touch.

Will there be opportunities for funding or secondments related to the summit?

Yes there will be opportunities for members to support the summit through funding or seconding staff. As a supporter, partner, donor or advocate of the first-ever Global Eye Health Summit you will help pave the way to reach over 1 billion people without access to eye care. We have the dedicated professionals, effective treatments and technologies to transform eye health around the world. Now is the moment for a bold step forward and we can only do that with our members help. The details regarding funding and secondment opportunities are still being finalised. We will provide more information on the website as it becomes available.

Aren’t there already summits that take place involving eye health?

We are aware that the word summit can be used for other meetings, including with the eye health sector. We will of course be exploring strategies such as scheduling the Global Summit for Eye Health at different times and clearly differentiating the focus and objectives.

How will the summit ensure that commitments made by governments are implemented at the country level?

The summit aims to establish a robust accountability framework to monitor progress and ensure commitments are fulfilled. This framework will involve regular reporting, data collection, and collaboration with national governments and other stakeholders.

What specific policy recommendations will be made to governments?

The summit will develop a comprehensive policy framework that includes recommendations on a range of subjects. This will be an area where IAPB members can support with their knowledge and expertise.

What is the governance structure for the Global Summit for Eye Health 2026?

The governance structure is designed to ensure effective leadership, accountability, and collaboration. It comprises several key components: the IAPB Board provides overall oversight and strategic direction, while the Finance and Audit Committee manages financial aspects and ensures accountability. The Executive Committee handles operational decision-making, and various Summit Committees and Work Groups will focus on specific areas like, policy development, country and institutional engagement, communications and campaigns, and fundraising.

How can IAPB members participate in the summit's governance?

IAPB members have multiple opportunities to actively shape the Summit's direction and outcomes. They can contribute their expertise and experience by becoming members of Committees and Work Groups. Members can also provide valuable input and feedback through consultations, surveys, and online forums. Additionally, attending the Summit itself will allow members to directly participate in discussions and workshops, further contributing to the Summit's success. The active engagement of IAPB members is crucial in achieving our shared vision of a world where everyone enjoys the right to sight.

To explore opportunities to support the Summit please get in touch.


We will continue to update this FAQ section as more information becomes available. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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